

Stuff and kids

Jeeze…It’s March already!

It's been a while, clearly, it's been all too long. I thought about writing, really did, mostly about those blasted pheasants. People, have you ever driven around the British countryside, it's full of those blasted feathered things that are too... Continue Reading →

Friends and Growing Older aka Happy Birthday Sophie

People are always on about how ‘friends are family you choose’ and all that other stuff. I don’t think I chose my friends, not intentionally anyway. I don’t really remember the in's and outs of how our friendships developed or... Continue Reading →

New Year Reslololol

Hello Internet People, I thought I would make a quick post about New Years resolutions and how I don't plan to make any. Here are my reasons: PHHT. Effort My baby doesn't like me making plans. She destroys them. If... Continue Reading →

Goodbye 2016

Well, here we are, the last few hours of 2016...I was totally going to write something poignant and deep that encapsulated the year that was 2016 and showed you how wise and knowing I am, but alas...gasp in horror dear... Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday Rachel!

It's Rachel's birthday! Hooray!!!! Our dear Rachel has turned....well never you mind how old she is! Of the 4 of us Saltfishers she is the eldest (I am the youngest by about 2 hours I think, that is why I... Continue Reading →

Fun-guys and Other Hobbies

The Mushroom Hunter has taken up 'Geocaching'.... Hold up...the who? ...Oops, yea completely forgot to update you Internet. You see, since the birth of our second back in September, the hubster has taken up mushroom hunting... What, actual hunting? ....... Continue Reading →


EEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH Hospitals ruin anniversaries. But I suppose a ruined anniversary and nothing else is one of the best possible outcomes for an emergency trip to the hospital. My husband and I had to take our 14 month old to the hospital.... Continue Reading →

I finally did another post for you!

Hello internet people! It's me the procrastinator, after about 6 weeks I have returned! Since my last post I have moved, yay! My house however looks disheveled to put it nicely, I’m reassured it's gets messy before it gets beautiful.... Continue Reading →

Love Is: Sharing, Sort Of

A while ago the hubster and I decided to splash out and upgrade our bed to a king size...o how luxurious...a fancy grown up bed with all that space. Finally we could, like France and Germany, share a border but... Continue Reading →

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